Following is some information on our Keto Friendly section, plus if you are new to Keto we've included a brief outline on the diet.  Before starting any diet, plus during your diet, getting advice from a qualified medical practitioner or nutrition expert is highly recommended. 

What is the Keto Diet?

The Keto Diet is a low-carb, high fat, moderate protein diet that can help you burn body fat more effectively.  The diet can put you into Ketosis, which is a normal body reaction if you’re not eating enough carbs/glucose to burn for energy, and then it switches to burning fat instead. The liver then produces ketones (small fuel molecules) that serve as a fuel source for the entire body and brain.

The time for Ketosis to start will vary with each individual, but could be as early as 3-4 days of eating a very low carb diet.  Although there are signs to look for the only way to truly track ketone levels is through blood, urine or breath analysis.

What is Keto Friendly?

We've called our Keto section "friendly" as our recipes can suit many different keto macronutrient requirements (the 3 "macro"nutrients carbohydrates, protein & fat).   The basic guideline for a keto eating plan usually requires a 70% fat intake.  This amount can vary depending on what the best macro calculation is for you.  Most of our recipes are lower than 70% in fat calculation, however if you choose to follow the higher fat protocol you can add some healthier fats to any of these recipes.  

Our macros on each individual recipe are calculated on the exact amount & type of ingredient we have used.  Our keto recipes are also suitable for other diet protocols and our Carb calculation is shown in full in the Nutritional Data.  Working out your "Net Carbs" for your macros calculation just requires taking the fibre component off the carb component.

All of our recipes are based on the keto principals, however some of our recipes & ingredients may go a little outside the strict keto guidelines.  We've chosen not to include the keto approved sweeteners, but you will always have the option to add them in if you choose to.   

Like most diets clean eating is essential for optimum health results.  We have found there are many keto eating plans available that don’t always fall into the clean eating category, and that's where we've tried to be a little different with our keto friendly section.  It makes sense that the major foods you are using to fuel your body are the best they can be for your body.

Following a keto diet has many studies on successful weight loss, plus helping with many other health ailments.  However, with so much information out there it’s easy to get lost on how is the best way to "keto".  We suggest you keep doing lots of research until you find what best resonates with your lifestyle and always listen to the way your body reacts with different foods.  Our recipes are all clean eating, which means we’ve avoided processed foods & sauces.  We’ve also kept dairy to a minimum, and used most of the fat content needed in keto with healthier fats & oils.  

Please note the keto diet isn’t always the best diet for everybody. We’ve found in our own research and trials that keto isn’t one size fits all.  We suggest you do extensive research to find the perfect macro balance to best benefit you.  Research based on your age, weight, health & exercise capabilities, plus getting advice from a qualified medical practitioner or nutrition expert.

Transitioning to Keto

The Keto diet is so different from the way most people are used to eating that easing your way into the diet can be more beneficial as this may allow you to maintain the diet for a longer period of time.  Each day start to cut out more processed foods, grains & sugar from your diet, including artificial sweeteners.   

Keto is a high fat diet, but it needs to be good fat.  Introducing healthy fats like avocado, olives, olive oil, coconut oil and oily fish like salmon & tuna is one of the key factors to keto success.  

A major myth about keto is that you can eat as much bacon, cheese and meat as you want.  This isn’t true, and you should only need a moderate protein intake.  The key is listening to your body and figuring out what that correct balance is.

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