Pancakes with Berry Yoghurt

2 Serves.

Recipe from the new Eat Clean Dirty Food e-Book!

These glorious pancakes are wheat-free, gluten-free & dairy-free.

Using cassava flour is a saviour for wheat-free baking and we've dedicated a lot of time into making these little pancakes taste awesome! Follow the recipe notes for pancake perfection!

Cassava is a root vegetable/tuber, so it ticks most of the boxes when it comes to intolerances & allergies. It does have a stronger flavour than wheat flour and adding maple, honey, coconut & fruit work well.

Cook time: 10 mins
IMPORTANT - Some recipes may not 100% comply with their listed diet categories. Please review the ingredients carefully to ensure that your selected recipe meets your own dietary requirements



110 grams of cassava flour
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
125 millilitres of almond milk (or any plant based milk)
1 free range or organic egg
2 tablespoons of coconut yoghurt
1 tablespoon of maple syrup
1 tablespoon of avocado oil or light extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract


1/4 cup of coconut yoghurt
1/2 cup of of your choice of berries (defrosted frozen berries also work)


  1. Mix flour, baking soda & baking powder together in a bowl.
  2. With a fork whisk the milk & egg together in a jug.  Then add the yoghurt & mix well.  Add in the maple, vanilla & oil and whisk to combine.
  3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix well.  Set aside to rest for 5mins.
  4. Heat a pan to a low/medium heat.  The mix will brown quickly so it’s important to keep the heat on quite a lowish heat. 
  5. Lightly spray or brush the pan with a little oil, and add 3 dollops of the mixture (depending on pan size), and if necessary spread out the mixture just a little so that it’s not too high.  If they are too thick they may not cook through. 
  6. Cook for around 2 minutes on each side.  They will brown quickly, however you need to give them the 2mins to cook through.  If the heat is too high they may burn before cooking through.
  7. Cool slightly and serve with the toppings of yoghurt combined with mixed berries and optional extra maple syrup.

Recipe Notes:  Using a mix of baking soda & baking powder ensures the mix rises well, with the ½ soda giving the necessary salt needed to the mix without being too much.  You can use honey instead of maple, however, it will burn quicker in the mix which is already quick cooking.  Use a low flavour profile oil like avocado so it doesn’t overpower with flavour.  Keep the heat on the lower side and cook for at least 2mins each side to ensure they cook through properly.


Calories: 450
Protein: 4.7
Carbs: 56.4
Fibre: 3.8
Fat: 21.7

The Ultimate Clean-Eating eBook.
  • 40 Healthy fast food recipes
  • Completely wheat-free & dairy-free
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