Grilled Cos Lettuce with Lemon Anchovy Butter

If you have never tried grilled lettuce then this is the recipe for you. It changes the taste greatly but in a very good way. Don't like anchovies? Leave them out.

Tip: If you need it to be dairy free try the Niulife coconut ghee, it's delicious and it's Vegan!

Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 5 mins
IMPORTANT - Some recipes may not 100% comply with their listed diet categories. Please review the ingredients carefully to ensure that your selected recipe meets your own dietary requirements


1/2 baby cos lettuce
1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil for brushing
3 teaspoons of warm melted butter or grass fed ghee
1/2 small anchovy fillet
1/2 small garlic clove, crushed
1/4 teaspoon of fresh lemon zest
1/2 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice


  1. Brush the lettuce with the olive oil and char grill for 2-3 minutes or when the back feels warm, turn over and grill for 1 minute more. Place on a serving plate.
  2. Mix the warmed melted butter with the remaining ingredients and drizzle over the lettuce. Enjoy!

Calories: 175
Protein: 4
Carbs: 1.9
Fibre: 2
Fat: 17.4

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