Breakfast Portobello with Salsa

Portobello mushrooms are an awesome substitute for meat and they're low carb and high protein!
The flavours in this dish all work so well together, it's one you will want to make again and again.

Note: We topped it with the basil pesto from the dressings and sauces section and we love it but it's totally optional.

Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
IMPORTANT - Some recipes may not 100% comply with their listed diet categories. Please review the ingredients carefully to ensure that your selected recipe meets your own dietary requirements


2 teaspoons of cold pressed coconut oil
1 large portobello mushroom (120g)
3 cherry tomatoes cut in quarters
1/2 long green shallot/scallion, sliced
1/4 long red chilli, sliced
1 free range egg
shredded lettuce to serve (optional)
basil pesto to serve (optional)


  1. Heat coconut oil in a pan to medium. Remove the stem from the mushroom and set aside.
  2. Place mushroom rounded side up in the pan, cover and cook for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile dice the mushroom stem and prepare the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Turn the mushroom over and crack the egg into the cup. Place the diced stem, tomatoes, shallots and chilli into the pan beside the mushroom. Cover and continue cooking until egg is done to your liking, periodically stirring the salsa.
  5. Serve mushroom over lettuce and top with salsa and pesto if using.

Calories: 197
Protein: 10.4
Carbs: 1.8
Fibre: 6.2
Fat: 15.2

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