Sweet Potato Rosti with Smoked Salmon

Traditionally a breakfast or brunch recipe, but we could indulge in this at any meal time.

TIP: Sweet Potato is a little harder to form into a rosti without a binding ingredient. Our notes will give you some tips on how to get the best results.

Cook time: 20 mins
IMPORTANT - Some recipes may not 100% comply with their listed diet categories. Please review the ingredients carefully to ensure that your selected recipe meets your own dietary requirements


1 small sweet potato (180-200g), grated
1/4 teaspoon of sea salt
1 tablespoon of cold pressed coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil
50 grams of smoked salmon
1/4 avocado, sliced
Wedge of lemon to serve
Chopped chives to serve (optional, but delicious)
Sprinkle with dukkah (optional)


  1. After grating the sweet potato, use some paper towel to squeeze any moisture out.  Then mix it in a bowl with the salt.
  2. Heat a small pan on a medium heat.  Add the oil & heat before adding the sweet potato.  
  3. Add the sweet potato to the pan and flatten it out with a cooking spatula.  After a few minutes stir the potato around and continue to flatten out.  Continue to do this for around 10mins, as the sweet potato softens it will be easier to flatten out & push together.
  4. After 10mins push together into a round shape, flatten out & carefully remove from the pan onto a serving plate.  It may fall apart a little, but without binding ingredients it is harder to keep it together.
  5. Top with the smoked salmon, avocado & chives.  Add a squeeze of lemon. Yummy, enjoy!

Calories: 485
Protein: 16.1
Carbs: 25.8
Fibre: 6.5
Fat: 35.1

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