Grilled Caesar Salad

Caesar Salad with a twist! Charring the lettuce gives this salad a whole new flavour profile and we love it.

Getting a soft boiled egg just right can be tricky but a poached egg is just as good.

We used crispy bacon in place of the croutons so you're not missing out on the crunchy aspect.

Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 6 mins
IMPORTANT - Some recipes may not 100% comply with their listed diet categories. Please review the ingredients carefully to ensure that your selected recipe meets your own dietary requirements



1 bacon rasher, rind and some fat removed
1/2 small cos lettuce (100g)
1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 free range egg
1/2 teaspoon of black sesame or nigella seeds


1 tablespoon of whole egg mayonnaise*
2 teaspoons of unsweetened coconut yoghurt
1/2 garlic clove, crushed
1/2 anchovy fillet
1/4 teaspoon of Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
sea salt & cracked pepper to taste


  1. Place a saucepan of water on to boil for the egg, bringing it to a gentle boil and heat a non-stick grill pan to medium high. Prepare a bowl of cold or iced water for the egg.
  2. Meanwhile make dressing by mixing mayonnaise and yoghurt in a small bowl. Chop the anchovy and garlic finely until it is almost a paste. Stir into mayonnaise mixture then add remaining ingredients, stirring until well combined. Set aside.
  3. Gently lower the egg into the boiling water and cook for exactly 4 minutes. Remove from pan with a slotted spoon and place in cold water to stop the cooking process. Remove after 1 minute.
  4. Meanwhile add bacon to the grill pan and cook until crispy. Half way through cooking brush the lettuce with the oil and add it to the pan, cut side down.
  5. Cook lettuce until charred and starting to wilt, turn and cook 1 minute more.
  6. Place lettuce on a serving plate and drizzle with dressing. Chop bacon and add to plate. 
  7. Gently tap the egg until the shell cracks and carefully remove. Break egg on top of salad and sprinkle with seeds to serve.
*We love to make our own mayonnaise but if you are using store bought choose organic whole egg with no added sugar. The macros are worked on our recipe and you can find it in the Dressings and Sauces section

Calories: 373
Protein: 19.3
Carbs: 2.9
Fibre: 2.2
Fat: 31.7

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